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Kelci Bryson

Kelci BrysonThe featured student this week is Kelci Bryson, a chemical & biomolecular engineering major who worked as a co-op student at The Dow Chemical Company in Louisville, Kentucky.

In reporting on her rotation, Bryson worked in the plastic additives and dryers department. When she first began at Dow, she went through extensive training where she learned more about the plant and how it worked. Her first main project was to create a deluge P&ID for one of the units.

She also created and reviewed a lot of procedures, which is the plant’s method of operation. In working with those procedures, she had to communicate with a wide variety of people to discover the most efficient way to complete the task.

The most valuable thing she gained from this experience was how to communicate with a variety of people who may or may not be in her field of study and learning how the units operate and fixing them when something breaks.

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